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4 Moms Rockaroo, 4Moms Infant Seat, & 4Moms Origami Mini!

4 Moms Rockaroo, 4Moms Infant Seat, & 4Moms Origami Mini!

Posted in 4mom car seat, 4moms origami, 4moms rockaraoo, Category_4moms>Infant Car Seat, Category_4moms>Origami Mini, Category_4moms>Rockaroo, Category_New Products for 2014!

4moms at PishPoshBaby


Wow - three great products unveiled by 4Moms - and we can't wait to tell you about each one!

4moms New Rockaroo

4Moms Rockaroo - Unique Rocking Motion

The rockaRoo™ flips the swing on its head. Literally. It rocks like a rocking horse, which maximizes the sensation of motion for your baby. Increasing distance from the pivot point creates more motion at the baby’s head, where it counts. WIth an MP3 PLUG-IN , REMOVABLE TOY BALLS, and FIVE SPEEDS, the Rockaroo is truly an all-in-one swing. Available in three seat fabrics that tare easy to remove and machine washable. Now In Stock!

4moms New Infant Car Seat

4Moms Infant Seat - INSTALLS ITSELF.

Ok, we were very close to guessing this one! The 4Moms Infant Seat comes with an insane amount of technological details, but the point is - it installs itself and checks before each ride. Features:
  • Dual LCD screens
  • No rethread harness
  • Side impact protection bolsters
  • Harness buckle side pockets
  • Auto-tensioning & leveling
  • Verifies correct base installation & carrier connection before each ride

Origami GO - POWER-FOLDING. NOW IN MINI.4moms New Origami Mini Stroller

Less than 16 lbs.
Power Features:
  • Power-fold & unfold
  • On-board power generators
  • Daytime running lights
  • Cell phone charger
  • LCD information display
Additional Features:
  • 3 position seat recline
  • Large removable storage bag
  • Operates as travel system with accessory car seat adaptors
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