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After School Snacks: A Little Love & Nourishment

After School Snacks: A Little Love & Nourishment

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Having picky eaters is a challenge, and there's an added pressure when these children are attending school. Between you and me, school lunches leave much to be desired, and so I'm not shocked when my high-wired third grader walks in and wails, “Mom, I’m staaaaarving!” The "conversation" usually goes nosedives from there. She confirms what I've heard what seems like dozens of times before: she does not like ANY of the school lunch options.

Rather than begin a well-intentioned TED talk about the benefits of eating at school, something tells me a plate of freshly baked cookies and a cold glass of milk is just what she needs now. After sitting her down at the kitchen table with a snack, my daughter is a different human being.

When the kids walk through the door after a long day of school tired and hungry, all they really want is a little bit of love and something to fill their tummies. While it may seem to be the opportune time to catch up on some phone calls or a great time to get a whole lot of other stuff done, I've learned to take these couple of minutes and set them aside for my kids. I listen to what’s on their minds, while they enjoy a snack that's ready and waiting for them.

It takes a some planning and organization, but having a store of after-school snacks can be relatively simple. Here are some tried and true examples:

  • Make a double recipe of practically any cookie dough, and freeze the raw dough in logs wrapped in baking paper. An hour before the kids' homecoming, unwrap the dough and defrost it for about 10 minutes. With a sharp knife, cut slices, pop it on a cookie sheet and bake. Voila! Freshly baked cookies, minus the mess.
  • Shakes and smoothies are easy to whip up and always appreciated. Pop your kids' favorite combinations of frozen fruit, yogurt, or milk with a couple of yummy toppings into a blender and you're good to go. There are always new combinations to try which makes this fun, exciting, refreshing and filling!
  • Cake in a mug is another great option. With just a few ingredients stirred into a microwave-safe mug, your child can have a personal-sized cake ready in a flash! 
  • Another healthy and fun idea is fruit kabobs. Cut some fruit into uniform size cubes and stack them on a skewer in a pattern. You can put some yogurt on the side for dipping.
  • If your child likes hummus, you can give them some veggies and/or pretzels to dip into their own personal hummus platter. Guacamole and tortilla chips are also a great option.

Bon appetit!

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