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The Britax Chaperone, a one of a kind Travel System!

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We just got word, that britax is coming out with an exciting new travel system. The Britax Chaperone. The Britax Chaperon will be premiered at ABC Showand will be available for shipment in early 2009. Since we havent seen it yet, we dont have much information on it.

Just got back from seeing the Britax Chaperone at the ABC show in vegas. Although the model they had was not 100% perfect as its still in the works, what we got to see looked really exciting. The Britax Chaperone Car Seat has an ergo shaped handlebar with a comfortable grip. It has a really large canopy and an anti rebound bar. It will work for infants up to 30 lbs. Its definately alot more upgraded than the companion car seat that britax used to make.

The britax chaperone stroller was also really exciting looking. Its got the most amazing way for the car seat to click into it. As far as I know its def. the first stroller out there to offer this. Theres no separate adapters that need to be purchased, theres just an easy click. 2 bars protrude out of the stroller allowing the britax chaperone car seat to just click in. When the car seat is clicked it, you got full coverage with both canopys kinda hitting eachother (similar to a bubble effect). The britax chaperone stroller will be available in black, red, tan, pink and most probably a cowmooflage print (Like the famous cowmooflage car seats!) Although those colors are not guaranteed! They may change!

Another really cool feature of the Britax Chaperone Stroller is the brake. Its a push down brake when you want the brake on or take the brake off. Its alot easier than the standard brakes where you goda get under the brake and push up inorder to get the brake off. Also the brake changes colors when its locked and unlocked so its easy to see!

Thats pretty much it for the britax Chaperone Car Seat, Stroller and together the Travel System!

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