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Customer Spotlight: Hannah D.

Customer Spotlight: Hannah D.

Posted in #babygearexperts, #customerspotlight, #PishPoshBaby


  1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, I’m Hannah, I’m 31, I live in Chicago, I am an occupational therapist, and I’m in the middle of writing a series of books for children with special needs. I just had my second baby, Alexander, in November. My older daughter, Olivia, is almost 3. My husband, Luke, is a city planning engineer. We love walking and do lots of local trails on the weekend.


  1. What problems did you face before shopping with us?

I needed a double stroller but I wasn’t sure what to get. I know a little about strollers, after getting a full sized and a lightweight stroller when we had Olivia, but no idea what would fit our lifestyle best when we had Alex. I also needed another car seat but wasn’t sure about that either. The only time I was able to go shopping in person was after I’d finished seeing all my clients, and the only store open was a larger baby gear store. They didn’t have a great selection, and I discovered that they didn’t know their products very well.


  1. Why did you choose PishPosh Baby?

I guess you could say that PishPosh Baby chose me – I received a gift card as a baby gift. I’d never heard of it, but I checked out the website and I immediately liked what I saw. It’s easy to navigate and very clean. I still wanted to talk to someone though and called the store between clients. I spoke to Rebecca, one of the Baby Gear Experts, and she was incredibly helpful. She took the time to get to know me by asking questions about my lifestyle, family, budget, even color preferences. She suggested the Bugaboo Donkey3, which not only fit all my criteria, but was even on sale! When it came to a car seat, I wanted something that had all the bells and whistles, would wash easily, and is easy to switch between cars. And since I already had an infant car seat, we went with the Diono Radian 3QXT – which was ALSO on sale!


  1. What made PishPosh Baby a good fit for you?

I like making purchases that are going to last. The brands carried by PishPosh Baby all stand behind their products, and I want to know that they will extend help if it’s needed after my purchase. As a service provider myself, I also understand the importance of having good relationships with customers. I felt very heard and supported during every step of my shopping experience. Rebecca understood the mindset of a new parent, and constantly reassured me that I could take as much time as I needed. That is an amazing level of customer service.


  1. What did you love about shopping with us?

Definitely how I felt like I was the only customer that day! I know I wasn’t, but that was the feeling of attention that I got. I love how I was not pressured into making any purchases, but that I was guided to a product that made sense for myself and my family. Not only that, but when I had a question about folding the stroller, I called PishPosh Baby back and they walked me through it. They even offered to FaceTime!


  1. Would you recommend us to others? (and why?)

Of course – I already got gift cards for two friends who are pregnant now!


  1. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Yes - the delivery was so fast – I got my products in two days! There was also a little gift inside the box that I did not expect! The extra mile PishPosh Baby went is the reason I will definitely be shopping there again.

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