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The Uppababy Vista Mica: the Sleekest Edition!

Posted in Category_Uppababy, mica special edition, uppababy mica, UppaBaby vista, Uppababy Vista Mica, vista mica

mica leBoy did we just got a surge of excitement when a massive shipment from Uppababy arrived at our warehouse. The best-selling Uppababy Vista Mica Special Edition is back in stock and quantities are very limited.

The Uppababy Vista takes first place for the best-selling, most popular stroller of 2011. You wouldn't believe the number we've sold just in the last month or so. Two of our Mom Reps here actually have one themselves, and they are thrilled with it. It's an all-exclusive, full-featured standard stroller with anything you'd need. It comes with all the necessary accessories, such as a belly bar, a bassinet and a raincover. Plus there are some super accessories which most people end up throwing in, because they are too good to leave out. All regular Vista's have a shiny, silver frame, but the Uppababy Vista Mica Limited Edition has this sleek black graphite frame. The contrast is gorgeous between the silver fabric and dark chassis. Otherwise, all features and aspects are the same as the regular editions. I wouldn't suggest you wait too long for this one, because it'll be gone as soon as the New Year hits. And it's gong for a great price now...

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