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Q: Can I purchase the Uppababy Vista without a Bassinet?

Q: Can I purchase the Uppababy Vista without a Bassinet?

Posted in Category_faqs, Category_Uppababy>Cruz, Category_Uppababy>legacy, Category_Uppababy>Vista, uppababy vista no bassinet, uppababy vista stroller only
VISTA15_Group_SpecialtyQ: The Uppababy Vista includes a beautiful bassinet that is safe for overnight sleeping for your little infant. Many parents love the Vista stroller, but don't think that they'll use the bassinet much. Is the Uppababy Vista available without the bassinet? A: Uppababy did have plans of releasing the Vista stroller on its own, renamed as the Legacy, however they decided to hold off on these plans indefinitely. As of now, there is no way to purchase just the Vista stroller. I suggest taking a look at Uppababy's smaller stroller - the Uppababy Cruz. The Cruz is a more compact version of the Vista, with the same quality and style you can expect in an Uppababy stroller. There is a bassinet for the Cruz, however it's optional and available as a separate accessory.
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