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Bugaboo Cameleon3 Sahara Special Edition!

September 20, 2012

Bugaboo found inspiration in the warm and honey colored sand dunes focusing on unconventional, rugged materials while designing the all-new and luxurious Bugaboo Cameleon3 Sahara. The elegant stroller [...]

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Uppababy Vista vs Bugaboo Cameleon3 vs Baby Jogger City Select

August 14, 2012

UPPAbaby Vista Bugaboo Cameleon3 Baby Jogger City Select Height 42.5" 43.5" 41.5" Length 37" 35" 43.5" Width 26.5" 24" 25.75" Wheels 8.5" Front/11" Rear 6" Front/12" Rear 8" [...]

baby jogger city select vs bugaboo cameleon, bugaboo cameleon vs uppababy vista, Category_Baby Jogger>City Select, Category_Bugaboo>Cameleon3, Category_Product Comparisons>Compare Strollers, Category_Strollers, Category_Uppababy>Vista, uppababy vista vs bugaboo cameleon, uppababy vista vs city select
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