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Tuesday Tossup: Joolz, Beezy or Yoyo?

Tuesday Tossup: Joolz, Beezy or Yoyo?

Posted in #beezy, #joolz, #yoyo

Finally your baby is done with using a bassinet, and big enough to go in the stroller! He's definitely growing out of the Doona, and you know its about time for something new! You’re looking at the Cybex Beezy, Babyzen Yoyo and the Joolz Aer, and you’re trying to choose which one to get. You want something that’s going to look really nice, but will also have a great push. So now you’re looking at these lightweight strollers that are just what you need - but you can’t choose which one  to get! You’ve heard really great things about both of them, so you’re having a hard time deciding. So let’s get down to it. Let’s take a look at these two strollers and get a feel for them, so you can see what the differences are.

Joolz Aer

Joolz Aer is the most lightweight stroller we sell! The seat is taller and wider than the one on the beezy, for more space, and it has a super easy one hand fold and a lifetime guarantee. We love the brown leatherette handlebar on this stroller, it gives it that little extra bit of style! $429

Cybex Beezy

The Beezy is a bit sturdier as it weighs more, but doesn't have as small of a fold. Some say it’s a bit stronger than the Joolz Aer, so if you plan on getting lots of use out of your lightweight stroller, you’ll want to look into this one! It has a very comfortable seat, and a smooth push. We’ve noticed that it has a slightly easier fold than the Yoyo. If you're looking for the most affordable, you'll definitely want to go with the Beezy. 

Babyzen Yoyo

This stroller can be used from day one with the newborn pack. It's really lightweight, super compact, and the fold isn’t too complicated either! 

See which stroller you think will work best for you, and don't forget - the more you spend, the more points you get!! 

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