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Tuesday Tossup: Peg Perego or 4Moms Connect High Chair?

Tuesday Tossup: Peg Perego or 4Moms Connect High Chair?

Posted in 4moms connect, high chair, peg perego

Ok Moms, your baby is now at the highchair stage! CongratulationsThe million dollar question is, which one do you choose?  You want something that’s going to look great in your kitchen, but won't compromise on its sturdiness. So now you’re looking at the Peg Perego and the 4moms Connect, two cool high chairs that are just what you need - but you can’t decide which one  to get! They’re both pretty, updated and functional and will fit right into your kitchen. Additionally,  they are  both strong enough to last through the high chair stage, and even past that. But you need to figure out which to get! 

So let’s take a look at the differences between these high chairs, and see what each one has to offer. 

Peg Perego Siesta 

This one’s a classic, it's everything you need in a high chair plus more! It folds, and it has lockable wheels so you can easily move it to the right spot in your kitchen or at your table. The Siesta has 9 different height positions, a reclining backrest and adjustable footrest, and an upholstered seat that’s easy to clean and will keep your baby comfortable through mealtime. We love that this high chair comes in so many colors, to match any kitchen!

4Moms Connect 

This high chair is definitely sleeker and it has some cool modern features. It's more compact with  a very simple yet sheek looking design, without those notches and crevices that make it difficult to clean. The tray attaches magnetically, and the high chair has a great recline.

So basically, here’s the tossup! When it comes down to it, the Siesta is the classic foldable high chair, with wheels that can be easily moved around. The 4moms Connect is a newer, more modern looking chair that is easier to clean and takes up less space in a smaller kitchen. The downside of it is that it doesn’t fold, which can be annoying for some families.

See which one you like better! And don’t forgetPOINTS POINTS POINTS!!!
 You can earn points on whichever highchair you choose, and redeem those points on your next purchase at PishPosh Baby. Shop now to save!
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