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UppaBaby Vista 2010 Swap Kits Now Available!

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Update: You can get the 2015 Canopies and Seat Kits here. Yay!! Customers WILL be able to purchase a 2010, 4-position seat frame and fabric swap kit to click into their existing 2009 VISTA. Due to overwhelming customer requests, a slight change has been made to the 2010 seat attachment that will enable this upright seat to fit into a 2009 chassis. The 4 positions can be utilized, with the higher seat back and allow for more space between the seat back and RumbleSeat configuration. Retail cost is $160.00. You will need to order the seat frame, plus a new fabric swap kit color of their choice. The older fabric will not fit the taller 2010 seat. Contact Us to Update your 2009 vista!!vista6
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